Swedish Columnar Aspen is a very popular plant and has been for many years. One which seemed to pop up everywhere over the last ten years, as homeowners were looking for tall narrow trees as a classy addition to their Calgary residential landscaping projects. Swedish Columnar Aspen, also known as is also ideal for anyone looking to increase the privacy of their homes or projects as they work perfectly for screening. They also grow to a considerable height in a narrow fashion, meaning the trunks and roots aren’t too invasive or too hard to handle.
In this handy dandy guide, we will cover some of the necessary information essential to anyone in the Calgary area looking to landscape with this extravagant plant. We will cover the essentials from how fast Swedish columnar aspen grows to how tall Swedish columnar aspen grows and even Swedish aspen alternatives.
Answer To Common Questions About Swedish Columnar Aspen Trees
How fast does Swedish columnar aspen grow?
So let’s start with how fast this tall yet tree actually grows. It is worth mentioning that Swedish columnar aspen is a very adaptable plant in the sense that it can tolerate a variety of conditions, including both long dry spells to heavy wet seasons. It is recommended, however, that when planting this particular type of tree that it is done so with sufficient sunlight, especially considering how tall they become at full height—more information on their height in just a minute. The plant itself grows at a fast rate and can be expected to live up to 50 years, given that it grows in the right conditions and doesn’t suffer external damage.
Are Swedish columnar roots invasive?
A big concern amongst many planting heavy-duty trees while taking on their own landscaping projects is the effect or damage that could possibly be caused by roots. It is no secret that high rise structures over time have been ripped through by stubborn tree roots leading to catastrophic damage. However, in the case of Swedish columnar aspen, you can rest assured that the roots, although solid in supporting the tall narrow tree above, don’t actually possess invasive and damaging roots. Despite supporting and feeding a large plant in size, the roots are very fair, allowing optimum nutrient absorption without dispersing far and wide, destroying everything in their path.
How far apart do you plant aspen trees?
Of course, if you’re looking to Swedish columnar aspen for your own landscaping projects, surely you’d be wondering how much space you should leave between each plant. Especially when you consider that most people using tall narrow trees like these are actually using them for screening, not just to look good. If you are planting them as part of screening or creating tall hedge features, then it is recommended that they are planted at least 8 – 12 feet apart to allow the roots to reach full growth without obstruction. When you consider these trees’ height, 12 feet apart seems quite narrow, and you should have no problems with them, giving you a solid screen, especially once fully grown.
How tall does Swedish aspen get?
Now let’s be honest; we know now that Swedish aspen is a robust tree; it can survive in various conditions, grows fast, and has multiple uses. But the question everyone wants to know when researching Swedish columnar aspen is just how high do these trees grow? It is common for these trees to reach a whopping 50 ft in height once they are fully grown—some even higher. If you come across one less than 40 or even 30 ft, it is either a younger tree, or it simply isn’t growing in the ideal environment, whether it be the wrong climate or in the wrong location where it has restricted sunlight. And it is worth mentioning if you’re looking to use these trees for screening, a healthy tree will spread to around 10 feet, offering exceptional coverage.
Now, Let’s Talk About Swedish Aspen Alternatives
Of course, let’s not assume that the choices for tall columnar trees are limited. Obviously not. There are, of course, alternatives to Swedish columnar aspen. Tower poplar is an immediate alternative and honestly a very similar and popular alternative. Similarly to the Swedish columnar aspen, it grows tall, it grows fast, and it’s robust to withstand various weather conditions. It resembles Swedish columnar aspen in appearance, and like Swedish aspen, it requires little to no maintenance. Sure, you can prune them if you feel the need to; however, it isn’t essential.
What’s the difference between aspen and poplar?
So we’ve established tower poplar to be the ‘go-to’ alternative to Swedish columnar aspen. But let’s look a bit in detail at the differences between the two.
To summarize, Swedish aspen grows to around 50 feet in height and spreads to around 5 – 10 ft. It requires full sun with dry to normal moisture. Aspen grows faster with a medium life span for a tree of that stature of around 50 years. It is low maintenance with a medium tolerance for pollution.
On the other hand, Tower poplar can grow as high as 66 ft outsizing the Swedish aspen by around 15/16ft. The spread of the poplar is a few feet wider too at 7 – 12 ft. Poplar requires full sun, the same as Swedish aspen, and can thrive in pretty much any level of moisture. Poplar also grows at a fast rate with a medium life span. It also has a fair tolerance to pollution and is said to be low maintenance. When using poplar for screening, it is recommended around 3 – 4 ft spacing to allow the roots to function fully, allowing for thicker coverage up top.
It’s important to understand the trees’ qualities and properties to be absolutely certain you know what to expect when deciding to use Swedish columnar aspen, either as a grand feature or part of screening. As long as you know what to expect regarding the height and width of the trees and overall maintenance, then you’ve got yourself covered. Swedish columnar aspen is popular for a reason. Easy to maintain and robustly, making it a fine choice for anyone looking to add them to any landscaping project.
As an award-winning Calgary landscape designer, I get various homeowners’ questions about landscaping in Calgary and surrounding areas; and I am happy to answer them and guide you to make the best choices for enhancing your living spaces through beautifying your landscapes.
As Calgary landscaping contractors, we have worked on many projects, from designing and landscaping acreages to landscaping small backyards for inner-city homes. Please look at them and see the before and after photos of the landscaping work we have done in the Calgary area.
One thing you can be certain of is that every residential landscaping project that Tazscapes landscaping undertakes will be handled with great care and professionalism to meet your unique requirements, budget and time. Give us a call at 587-578-0747.