Masonry and stonework can be an intricate business. Stonework doesn’t just include the construction of stone walls and other features. It also includes walkways, patios, and driveways. The stuff beneath your feet that sometimes you may walk over without considering the hard work and attention to detail that has gone into laying it.

Here Are Some Design Ideas For Consideration For Patios, Driveways, And Walkways.
Patios, driveways, and walkways can be constructed in a wide variety of products in a range of shapes and sizes. Some of the stone commonly available nowadays include sandstone, limestone, granite, and slate, as well as good old fashioned concrete slabs, tiles, and bricks. All of which tend to be very sturdy, very reliable sources of material when used for groundworks.
It can be quite overwhelming with so many to choose from when deciding what to have as part of your driveway or landscape project. Suppose you have an idea in mind regarding the colour, size, and of course the budget. In that case, you should be able to rely on your team of hired, dedicated landscape contractors to help you make the best decision for your project.
For driveways, the possibilities are endless. Block paving became very popular in the early 2000s and is still in high demand 20 years later. Block paving is basically well-arranged solid bricks laid down to give your driveway a solid base. From experience, it is safe to say that block paving is a very solid, very reliable material that is almost guaranteed to stand the test of time. We, as landscapers, are rarely called back to fix repairs or damages to block paved driveways. Block paving can also be an aesthetic addition to walkways and paths around the property.
Besides block paving, good old-fashioned flagging is a ‘go-to’ for many homeowners who look to add a bit of class to their driveways, patios, or walkways. But flagging as such can be seen as more of an umbrella term. Flagging is the laying of stone to create walkways and patios. Flags can be made in just about any form of stone you can think of, in just about any size. If you’re on a budget, then concrete flags might be your saviour. They are cheap to manufacture and mass-produce, saving builders, landscapers, and customers a lot of money.
Flagstones can be made in more expensive materials like Indian flagstone, which is recognized globally. But, often-times, stone manufacturers will produce flagging and paving materials from local, unique stone. They can vary in price massively depending on the manufacturing process and the stones mining and quarrying.
Another budget-friendly material worth considering is sandstone. Sandstone is mass-produced and is traded globally. Sandstone can be excavated and shaped on every continent, which makes it very viable for landscapers and builders all over the world. Sandstone flags, similarly to concrete flags, are very robust and can last a lifetime. Not only that, they can be produced to suit any size project on any budget.
Another way to cover the walkways in style could be through tiling. When most people think of tiling, they immediately think of kitchens and bathrooms. But in recent years, large-scale porcelain tiles are produced for flagging projects. Porcelain tiles are solid and resilient. They can be produced in any shape or colour and can even be made with a metallic finish. Something definitely worth considering: however, these types of tiles can sometimes be very pricey.
As we already mentioned, the choices can be quite overwhelming and confusing. But free friendly advice is out there; it is always worth reading up on product reviews. If you have seen a driveway or patio that you like the look of, a landscaper who knows his craft would be able to identify the materials used and provide a match for you.
Do you have any questions about paving materials or landscaping in Calgary?
Call Tazscapes at 587-578-0747, and let us guide you to make the best out of your budget.